英日字典: nip
KK Pronunciation
〔 nIp 〕
〔 nip 〕
The nip has 9 Senses.
- shot, nip
- ショット
- a small drink of liquor; "he poured a shot of whiskey"
- 少量のリキュール
- nip, jap
- ジャップ
- (offensive slang) offensive term for a person of Japanese descent
- 日系人に対する差別的な言葉
- sapidity, nip, savor, smack, relish, flavour, tang, flavor, savour
- 風味, 味い, 味わい, こく
- the taste experience when a savoury condiment is taken into the mouth
- 風味のある薬味が口中へ入れられたときの舌の感覚
- pinch, nip
- a small sharp bite or snip
- 小さく鋭く切り取ること、またはつまむこと
- nip
- 噛む
- give a small sharp bite to; "The Queen's corgis always nip at her staff's ankles"
- 小さい鋭いかみ傷を与える
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