英日字典: plume
KK Pronunciation
〔 plum 〕
〔 pluːm 〕
The plume has 9 Senses.
- plume
- anything that resembles a feather in shape or lightness; "a plume of smoke"; "grass with large plumes"
- 形または軽さの点で羽に似ている何でも
- plume
- a feather or cluster of feathers worn as an ornament
- 装飾として付けられた羽根飾りの羽根もしくは房
- plume, plumage, feather
- 羽毛, 羽根, フェザー, 鳥毛
- the light horny waterproof structure forming the external covering of birds
- 鳥の外側の覆いを形成する、軽くて角質の防水構造物
- fleece, gazump, overcharge, surcharge, rob, soak, plume, hook, pluck
- 吹掛ける, 吹きかける, 打たくる, ぼる, 吹っ掛ける, 吹っかける, 打ったくる, ぶったくる, 吹き掛ける, ふんだくる
- rip off; ask an unreasonable price
- はぎ取る
- pride, congratulate, plume
- be proud of; "He prides himself on making it into law school"
- 誇りに思う
- plume
- deck with a plume; "a plumed helmet"
- 噴煙のあるデッキ
- preen, plume
- clean with one's bill; "The birds preened"
- 自身の唇で請求きれいにする
- plume
- form a plume; "The chimneys were pluming the sky"; "The engine was pluming black smoke"
- 羽を形成する
- primp, preen, plume, dress
- 正装する
- dress or groom with elaborate care; "She likes to dress when going to the opera"
- 入念に注意をいれて着るあるいは仕立てる
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