英日字典: query
KK Pronunciation
〔 ˋkwIrI 〕
〔 ˊkwiәri 〕
The query has 2 Senses.
- query, interrogation, enquiry, question, inquiry
- 問い, クエスチョン, うかがい, 問掛け, 問い合わせ, 質問, 問掛, 問いかけ, 問い掛け
- an instance of questioning; "there was a question about my training"; "we made inquiries of all those who were present"
- 質問の例
- question, query
- 問いただす, 訊ねる, 問い掛ける, 訊く, 問い質す, 聞く, 問う, 質疑, 物問う, 聴く, 問掛ける, 尋く, 伺う, 問いかける, 借問, 質問, もの問う, 尋ねる, 質す
- pose a question
- 質問を提示する
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