英日字典: 問いただす
4 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- call into question, question, oppugn
- 問いただす, 問い正す, 問い質す, 問う, 疑問視, 疑う, 質す
- challenge the accuracy, probity, or propriety of; "We must question your judgment in this matter"
- 正確さ、清廉潔白または正しさに疑問を呈する
- question, interrogate
- 審訊, 問いただす, 問い詰める, 問い正す, 査問, 鞠訊, 糺す, 問い質す, 鞫問, 質疑, 審尋, 鞠問, 質す, 尋問, 訊問
- pose a series of questions to; "The suspect was questioned by the police"; "We questioned the survivor about the details of the explosion"
- 一連の質問をする
- question, query
- 問いただす, 訊ねる, 問い掛ける, 訊く, 問い質す, 聞く, 問う, 質疑, 物問う, 聴く, 問掛ける, 尋く, 伺う, 問いかける, 借問, 質問, もの問う, 尋ねる, 質す
- pose a question
- 質問を提示する
- inquire, enquire, ask
- 問いただす, 訊ねる, 問い掛ける, 問合せる, 訊く, 聞く, 問合わせる, 問う, 問い合せる, 聴く, 問掛ける, 下問, 尋く, 聞き合わせる, 問あわせ, 伺う, 問いかける, 借問, 問いあわせる, 質問, 尋ねる, 質す, 問い合わせる
- inquire about; "I asked about their special today"; "He had to ask directions several times"
- 尋ねる
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