英日字典: rage
KK Pronunciation
〔 redʒ 〕
〔 reidʒ 〕
The rage has 8 Senses.
- rage, fury, madness
- 獅子の歯噛, 震怒, 激怒, 憤激, 忿怒, 獅子の歯がみ, 激憤, 激高, 獅子の歯噛み, 激昂, 憤怒
- a feeling of intense anger; "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"; "his face turned red with rage"
- 強い怒りの気持ち
- rage
- 激怒
- a state of extreme anger; "she fell into a rage and refused to answer"
- 非常に怒っている状態
- rage, passion
- something that is desired intensely; "his rage for fame destroyed him"
- 熱望されているもの
- rage
- violent state of the elements; "the sea hurled itself in thundering rage against the rocks"
- 暴風雨が荒れ狂っている状態
- furor, cult, rage, craze, fad, furore
- ブーム, カルト
- an interest followed with exaggerated zeal; "he always follows the latest fads"; "it was all the rage that season"
- 極端な熱意を伴う興味
- storm, rage, ramp
- 猛りくるう, 猛り狂う, 荒れくるう, 暴れる, 荒れ狂う, 荒狂う, 暴れ狂う, 怒り狂う, たけり狂う, 猛る
- behave violently, as if in state of a great anger
- まるでものすごい怒りの状態であるように、暴力的に振舞う
- rage
- 猛りくるう, 猛り狂う, 逆まく, 荒れくるう, 吹き荒ぶ, 吹捲る, 暴れる, 荒れ狂う, 燃盛る, 逆巻く, 荒狂う, 暴れ狂う, 吹きあれる, 吹き捲る, 吹荒れる, 吹荒ぶ, 荒む, 吹きまくる, たけり狂う, 吹き荒れる
- be violent; as of fires and storms
- 狂暴である
- rage
- 激怒, 忿怒, 激憤, 激高, 怒り狂う, 激昂, 憤怒
- feel intense anger; "Rage against the dying of the light!"
- 激しい怒りを感じる
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