英日字典: 死
5 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- decease, death, expiry
- 永眠, 御事, 卒, 死歿, 落命, 一巻の終り, もしもの事, 不祝儀, 死, 終わり, 一巻の終わり, 没, 人死に, 蓋棺, 死に, 最後, 召天, 不幸, 終焉, 死没, 絶命, 亡, 長逝, 一死, 眠り, 死去, 隠れ, デス, 寂滅, 死亡, 閉眼, 往生, 絶息, 登仙, 他界, 物故, 易簀, 入滅, 若しもの事, 辞世, 無常の風, 死出の旅, 不帰, 歿, 昇天, 卒去, 遷化, 薨去, 逝去
- the event of dying or departure from life; "her death came as a terrible shock"; "upon your decease the capital will pass to your grandchildren"
- 死ぬことやこの世から旅立つこと
- death
- 死歿, 死, 没, 死に, 死没, 絶命, 亡, 一死, 寂滅, 死亡, 往生, 絶息, 辞世
- the permanent end of all life functions in an organism or part of an organism; "the animal died a painful death"
- 生物や生物の一部においてあらゆる生命機能が永久に停止すること
- release, exit, passing, expiration, loss, going, departure
- 亡失, 死, 減退, 喪失, 負け, 遺失, ロス, 解放
- euphemistic expressions for death; "thousands mourned his passing"
- 死の婉曲表現
- death, last
- 不祝儀, 死, 没, 最後, 不幸, 絶命, 死去, 死に神, 死亡, 棄世, ポア, 他界, 先途, 死神, 入滅, 歿, 昇天, 卒去, 薨去, 逝去
- the time at which life ends; continuing until dead; "she stayed until his death"; "a struggle to the last"
- 人生が終わる時
- death
- 死
- the personification of death; "Death walked the streets of the plague-bound city"
- 死を擬人化したもの
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