英日字典: retire
KK Pronunciation
〔 rIˋtaIr 〕
〔 riˊtaiә 〕
The retire has 11 Senses.
- retire
- 引退, 隠居, 退く, リタイア, 退役
- go into retirement; stop performing one's work or withdraw from one's position; "He retired at age 68"
- 隠居する、退職する
- withdraw, retire
- 降りる, リタイア, 棄権
- withdraw from active participation; "He retired from chess"
- 活発な参加から退く
- draw back, pull back, pull away, move back, retreat, withdraw, retire, recede
- 退る, 後退, しさる, 退行, 後退る, 背進, 後ずさる
- pull back or move away or backward; "The enemy withdrew"; "The limo pulled away from the curb"
- 引っ込む、引き下がるまたは後退する
- retire
- 引き下がる
- withdraw from circulation or from the market, as of bills, shares, and bonds
- 為替、持ち株、債券のようなものを流通からまたは市場から引き出す
- withdraw, retire, adjourn
- 引きあげる, 引上げる, 引揚げる, 罷り出る, 罷る, 退出, まかり出る, 引き上げる, 退く, 退座, 退席, 罷出る, 引き揚げる, 罷りでる
- break from a meeting or gathering; "We adjourned for lunch"; "The men retired to the library"
- 会合または集会の解散
- retire
- 退職
- make (someone) retire; "The director was retired after the scandal"
- (誰かを)引退させる
- retire
- dispose of (something no longer useful or needed); "She finally retired that old coat"
- (もう役に立たないか、必要でないもの)を処分する
- withdraw, retire
- 引去る, 引っ込む, 引上げる, 立ち退く, 引き上げる, 退く, 下る, 引き去る, 斥く, 引取る, 取り下げる, 引き揚げる, 臥せる, 引き取る, 取下げる, 下がる
- lose interest; "he retired from life when his wife died"
- 関心がなくなる
- put out, retire
- 引っ込む, 引き下がる, 引上げる, 引き上げる, 退く, 下る, 斥く, 引き揚げる, 臥せる, 下がる
- cause to be out on a fielding play
- フィールディングプレーにおいてアウトになるようにする
- strike out, retire
- cause to get out; "The pitcher retired three batters"; "the runner was put out at third base"
- 出て行かす
- bed, hit the hay, hit the sack, go to bed, crawl in, retire, kip down, sack out, go to sleep, turn in
- 就寝, 寐る, 就床, 寝る
- prepare for sleep; "I usually turn in at midnight"; "He goes to bed at the crack of dawn"
- 睡眠の準備を整える
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