英日字典: 退く
10 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- get out, exit, leave, go out
- 去る, 離れる, 退去, 罷る, 辞去, 離れ去る, 失せる, 立ちさる, 立去る, 離去る, 退く, 拝辞, 立ち去る, 引下がる, 退散, 外す, 引下る
- move out of or depart from; "leave the room"; "the fugitive has left the country"
- 出て行く、または立ち去る
- get out, pull out
- 退く, 立ち去る
- move out or away; "The troops pulled out after the cease-fire"
- 引っ越す、または立ち去る
- withdraw, retire
- 引去る, 引っ込む, 引上げる, 立ち退く, 引き上げる, 退く, 下る, 引き去る, 斥く, 引取る, 取り下げる, 引き揚げる, 臥せる, 引き取る, 取下げる, 下がる
- lose interest; "he retired from life when his wife died"
- 関心がなくなる
- resign, give up, vacate, renounce
- 辞職, 辞す, 退陣, 辞する, 降りる, 退く, 辞める, 辞任, 退身
- leave (a job, post, or position) voluntarily; "She vacated the position when she got pregnant"; "The chairman resigned when he was found to have misappropriated funds"
- 自発的に(仕事、役職、位置)を去る
- back
- 後退, 退く, 下る, 背進, 下がる
- travel backward; "back into the driveway"; "The car backed up and hit the tree"
- 後ろに進む
- withdraw, retire, adjourn
- 引きあげる, 引上げる, 引揚げる, 罷り出る, 罷る, 退出, まかり出る, 引き上げる, 退く, 退座, 退席, 罷出る, 引き揚げる, 罷りでる
- break from a meeting or gathering; "We adjourned for lunch"; "The men retired to the library"
- 会合または集会の解散
- retire
- 引退, 隠居, 退く, リタイア, 退役
- go into retirement; stop performing one's work or withdraw from one's position; "He retired at age 68"
- 隠居する、退職する
- put out, retire
- 引っ込む, 引き下がる, 引上げる, 引き上げる, 退く, 下る, 斥く, 引き揚げる, 臥せる, 下がる
- cause to be out on a fielding play
- フィールディングプレーにおいてアウトになるようにする
- step down, resign, leave office, quit
- 辞職, 辞す, 退陣, 辞する, 降りる, 退く, 辞める, 罷める, 辞任, 下りる
- give up or retire from a position; "The Secretary of the Navy will leave office next month"; "The chairman resigned over the financial scandal"
- 身分を放棄するか、または引退する
- back up, back off, back down
- 退る, 引き下がる, 後進, 後退, 後退り, 後退る, 退く, 後ずさり, 引下がる, 下る, 後じさり, 引下る, 下がる
- move backwards from a certain position; "The bully had to back down"
- ある位置から後方に動く
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