英日字典: romance
KK Pronunciation
〔 roˋmæns 〕
〔 rouˊmæns 〕
The romance has 10 Senses.
- romance, love affair
- 濡れ事, 恋愛関係, 色恋, 恋愛, 痴話, 粋筋, 色事, あだ事, 徒事, 恋路, 情事, 女色, 濡事, 艶事, 粋すじ, ローマンス, 色恋沙汰, ロマンス
- a relationship between two lovers
- 愛人同士の関係
- romance, romanticism
- ロマン
- an exciting and mysterious quality (as of a heroic time or adventure)
- (英雄時代や冒険などの)胸をわくわくさせる不思議な性質
- romance, love story
- a story dealing with love
- 恋愛を扱う物語
- romance
- ロマンス
- a novel dealing with idealized events remote from everyday life
- 日常生活からかけ離れた理想化された出来事を扱う小説
- romance, latin
- relating to languages derived from Latin; "Romance languages"
- ラテン語に由来する言語に関するさま
- romance
- have a love affair with
- 色恋沙汰をなす
- coquette, coquet, romance, flirt, mash, philander, chat up, butterfly, dally
- 不山戯る, 巫山戯る, 戯れる
- talk or behave amorously, without serious intentions; "The guys always try to chat up the new secretaries"; "My husband never flirts with other women"
- 真剣ではなく、色っぽくしゃべり、または振舞う
- romance
- tell romantic or exaggerated lies; "This author romanced his trip to an exotic country"
- 空想的なまたは大げさなうそを言う
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