英日字典: mash
KK Pronunciation
〔 mæʃ 〕
〔 mæʃ 〕
The mash has 5 Senses.
- mash
- マッシュ
- a mixture of mashed malt grains and hot water; used in brewing
- すりつぶした麦芽の粒と熱湯を混ぜたもの
- mash
- マッシュ
- mixture of ground animal feeds
- 粉にした家畜用混合飼料
- squelch, squash, mash, crush, squeeze
- 押し拉ぐ, 揉み消す, 圧しひしぐ, 圧し拉ぐ, 打っ潰す, 拉ぐ, 潰す, 押しひしぐ, 圧潰す, 圧拉ぐ, 取り拉ぐ, 圧しつぶす, 押っ圧す, 拉く, 取拉ぐ, 押拉ぐ, 圧し潰す, 押し潰す, 握りつぶす, 押潰す, 押しつぶす, 握り潰す
- to compress with violence, out of natural shape or condition; "crush an aluminum can"; "squeeze a lemon"
- 激しく圧縮する、自然の形または状態から
- coquette, coquet, romance, flirt, mash, philander, chat up, butterfly, dally
- 不山戯る, 巫山戯る, 戯れる
- talk or behave amorously, without serious intentions; "The guys always try to chat up the new secretaries"; "My husband never flirts with other women"
- 真剣ではなく、色っぽくしゃべり、または振舞う
- grind, bray, crunch, mash, comminute
- 噛砕, 擂潰す, 擂り潰す, こなす, 擦り潰す, 噛砕く, 挽く, 摺砕く, 粉砕, 噛る, 噛みしだく, 磨砕く, 碾く, 噛み割る, 擂り砕く, すり潰す, 擦潰す, 磨り潰す, 摩る, 磨り砕く, かみ割る, 摺り砕く, 擂砕く, かみ砕く, 噛みくだく, 噛割る, 噛み砕く
- reduce to small pieces or particles by pounding or abrading; "grind the spices in a mortar"; "mash the garlic"
- 叩くか研磨して、小片か粒にまで小さくする
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