英日字典: seat
KK Pronunciation
〔 sit 〕
〔 siːt 〕
The seat has 16 Senses.
- seat, place
- シート, 議席, 座席, 莚, 場席, 倚子, 蓆, 客席, せき, 座, 腰掛け, 居敷き, 椅子, 居敷, 腰かけ, いす, 席, 腰掛
- a space reserved for sitting (as in a theater or on a train or airplane); "he booked their seats in advance"; "he sat in someone else's place"
- (劇場、電車、飛行機などで)座るために確保された場所
- prat, hindquarters, backside, fundament, tooshie, tail, keister, rear end, bum, seat, rump, bottom, hind end, tush, buns, fanny, derriere, rear, can, nates, buttocks, stern, ass, tail end, posterior, behind, arse, butt
- 尻, ヒップ, 御居処, どんけつ, 尻臀, 臀部, 臀, 御尻, お尻, おいど
- the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on; "he deserves a good kick in the butt"; "are you going to sit on your fanny and do nothing?"
- 人間の体のうち、自分が上に座る肉付きのよい部分
- seat
- シート, 倚子, 腰掛け, 居敷き, 椅子, 居敷, 腰かけ, いす, 腰掛
- furniture that is designed for sitting on; "there were not enough seats for all the guests"
- 座るために考案された家具
- seat
- シート, 座席, 腰掛け, 椅子, 席, 腰掛
- any support where you can sit (especially the part of a chair or bench etc. on which you sit); "he dusted off the seat before sitting down"
- 座ることができる支え(特にいすやベンチなどの座る部分)
- seat
- 中枢
- a center of authority (as a city from which authority is exercised)
- 権力の中心(権威が行使される都市など)
- seat
- the location (metaphorically speaking) where something is based; "the brain is said to be the seat of reason"
- 何かが基礎となっている場所(比喩的に話す場合に)
- seat
- 議席
- the legal right to sit as a member in a legislative or similar body; "he was elected to a seat in the Senate"
- 立法上または同様の実体のメンバーとして座る法的権利
- seat
- a part of a machine that supports or guides another part
- 他の部分を支え、誘導する機械に一部
- seat
- the cloth covering for the buttocks; "the seat of his pants was worn through"
- 臀部を覆う布
- seat, sit, sit down
- 着席させる
- show to a seat; assign a seat for; "The host seated me next to Mrs. Smith"
- 座席に案内する
- seat
- be able to seat; "The theater seats 2,000"
- 着席できる
- seat, invest, induct
- place ceremoniously or formally in an office or position; "there was a ceremony to induct the president of the Academy"
- 職場や地位に、仰々しく、または形式的に設置する
- seat
- put a seat on a chair
- 椅子の上に座席を置く
- seat
- provide with seats; "seat a concert hall"
- 席を与える
- seat
- place or attach firmly in or on a base; "seat the camera on the tripod"
- 基部にしっかりと置くまたは付ける
- seat
- place in or on a seat; "the mother seated the toddler on the high chair"
- 席につかせる
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