英日字典: shout 英漢 英英 简体
KK Pronunciation
〔 ʃaUt 〕
〔 ʃaut 〕
The shout has 5 Senses.
cry , vociferation , outcry , shout , call , yell 叫泣き , 悲鳴 , 咆哮 , 金切り声 , 叫声 , 叫換 , 喚き声 , 叫泣 , 叫び声 , 叫びごえ , 怒号 , 絶叫 , 喚呼 , 大喝 , 咆吼 , エール , 喚声 , 叫び泣き , 大呼 , 叫び , 号泣 , さけび声 , 叫喚 a loud utterance; often in protest or opposition; "the speaker was interrupted by loud cries from the rear of the audience" けたたましい発言
shout 号ぶ , 叫ぶ , さかぶ utter in a loud voice; talk in a loud voice (usually denoting characteristic manner of speaking); "My grandmother is hard of hearing--you'll have to shout" 大声で話す
hollo , cry , squall , call , yell , shout out , scream , holler , shout 悲鳴 , 喚き叫ぶ , どなる , 叫く , 泣喚く , 喚ばわる , 呼ばる , 咆哮 , わめく , 泣き叫ぶ , 叫ぶ , 泣きたてる , 啼泣 , 泣き喚く , 泣き立てる , 呻く , 喚く , 泣立てる , 泣叫ぶ , 泣きわめく , 喚呼 , 咆吼 , 嘯く , 泣きさけぶ , 大呼 , 喚き立てる , 号泣 , 呼ばわる , 呼ばう , 呼ぶ , 叫喚 , 喚叫ぶ , 怒鳴る utter a sudden loud cry; "she cried with pain when the doctor inserted the needle"; "I yelled to her from the window but she couldn't hear me" 突然、大きい泣き声を発する
call out , cry , outcry , cry out , shout , exclaim わめく , 叫ぶ , 叫換 , 絶叫 , 呼ばわる , 呼ばう , 叫喚 , 怒鳴る utter aloud; often with surprise, horror, or joy; "`I won!' he exclaimed"; "`Help!' she cried"; "`I'm here,' the mother shouted when she saw her child looking lost" 大声で発声する
abuse , clapperclaw , shout , blackguard 罵る , 漫罵 , 罵倒 , 言いこなす , 悪口 , 誹謗 , 痛罵 , 雑言 , 毒突く , 嘲罵 , 唾罵 , 讒謗 , 冷罵 , 言こなす use foul or abusive language towards; "The actress abused the policeman who gave her a parking ticket"; "The angry mother shouted at the teacher" 汚いか虐待的な言葉を使用する 返回 →