英日字典: 咆哮
7 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- yowl, bellow, holler, holla, roar, hollo, roaring, bellowing, hollering, holloa
- 咆哮, 哮けり, 雄叫, 雄叫び, 雄たけび, 怒号, 哮り, 咆吼, 哮
- a very loud utterance (like the sound of an animal); "his bellow filled the hallway"
- 非常にやかましい発声(動物の鳴き声のような)
- cry, vociferation, outcry, shout, call, yell
- 叫泣き, 悲鳴, 咆哮, 金切り声, 叫声, 叫換, 喚き声, 叫泣, 叫び声, 叫びごえ, 怒号, 絶叫, 喚呼, 大喝, 咆吼, エール, 喚声, 叫び泣き, 大呼, 叫び, 号泣, さけび声, 叫喚
- a loud utterance; often in protest or opposition; "the speaker was interrupted by loud cries from the rear of the audience"
- けたたましい発言
- thunder, roar
- どなる, 一喝, 咆哮, 哮る, 吠える, 大喝, 咆吼, 吼える, 哮ける, 呶鳴る, 怒鳴る
- utter words loudly and forcefully; "`Get out of here,' he roared"
- 騒々しく、激しく言葉を発する
- hollo, cry, squall, call, yell, shout out, scream, holler, shout
- 悲鳴, 喚き叫ぶ, どなる, 叫く, 泣喚く, 喚ばわる, 呼ばる, 咆哮, わめく, 泣き叫ぶ, 叫ぶ, 泣きたてる, 啼泣, 泣き喚く, 泣き立てる, 呻く, 喚く, 泣立てる, 泣叫ぶ, 泣きわめく, 喚呼, 咆吼, 嘯く, 泣きさけぶ, 大呼, 喚き立てる, 号泣, 呼ばわる, 呼ばう, 呼ぶ, 叫喚, 喚叫ぶ, 怒鳴る
- utter a sudden loud cry; "she cried with pain when the doctor inserted the needle"; "I yelled to her from the window but she couldn't hear me"
- 突然、大きい泣き声を発する
- yaup, howl, wail, ululate, yawl, roar
- 喚き叫ぶ, 咆哮, 号哭, 泣き叫ぶ, 吠る, 哮る, 吠える, 遠吠, 喚く, 泣叫ぶ, 泣きわめく, 咆吼, 遠吠え, 吼える, 哮ける, 泣きさけぶ, 哮りたつ, 哮り立つ, 喚叫ぶ
- emit long loud cries; "wail in self-pity"; "howl with sorrow"
- 長い大きい叫び声を発する
- yell, scream
- 喚き叫ぶ, どなる, 叫く, がなる, 咆哮, わめく, 振り立てる, 叫ぶ, がなり立てる, さかぶ, 吠える, 喚く, 疾呼, 張り上げる, 絶叫, 喚呼, 大喝, 張りあげる, 咆吼, 嘯く, 吼える, 喚き立てる, 呼ばわる, 呼ばう, 叫喚, 喚叫ぶ, 怒鳴る
- utter or declare in a very loud voice; "You don't have to yell--I can hear you just fine"
- 非常に大きい声で話すか、宣言する
- bellow, roar
- 咆哮, 唸る, 吠る, 哮る, 吠える, たけり立つ, 咆吼, 嘯く, 吼える, 哮ける, 哮りたつ, 哮り立つ
- make a loud noise, as of animal; "The bull bellowed"
- 動物などのような、大きな音を出す
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