

英日字典: shower

KK Pronunciation

〔 `ʃaJL 〕


〔 ˋʃauә 〕

The shower has 11 Senses.

  • shower
  • シャワー
  • a plumbing fixture that sprays water over you; "they installed a shower in the bathroom"
  • 水をまき散らすために配管され取り付られた具

  • cascade, shower
  • a sudden downpour (as of tears or sparks etc) likened to a rain shower; "a little shower of rose petals"; "a sudden cascade of sparks"
  • にわか雨にたとえられる急な土砂降り(涙またはスパークのような)

  • shower
  • a party of friends assembled to present gifts (usually of a specified kind) to a person; "her friends organized a baby shower for her when she was expecting"
  • ある人物に(通常は特定の種類の)贈り物をするために集まった友人たちのパーティー

  • shower
  • spray or sprinkle with; "The guests showered rice on the couple"
  • 吹き付ける、あるいは撒く

  • shower
  • 浴びる
  • take a shower; wash one's body in the shower; "You should shower after vigorous exercise"
  • シャワーを浴びる

  • shower down, shower
  • rain abundantly; "Meteors showered down over half of Australia"
  • 雨が大量に降る

  • shower
  • provide abundantly with; "He showered her with presents"
  • 豊富にもたらす

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