英日字典: ram
The ram has 9 Senses.
- aries, ram
- (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Aries
- 太陽が牡羊座にある間に生まれる人
- aries, aries the ram, ram
- the first sign of the zodiac which the sun enters at the vernal equinox; the sun is in this sign from about March 21 to April 19
- 太陽が春分点に入る十二宮の最初の宮
- ram
- a tool for driving or forcing something by impact
- 衝撃で何かを動かしたり力を加えたりする道具
- ram, tup
- 雄羊, 牡羊
- uncastrated adult male sheep; "a British term is `tup'"
- 去勢されていない、成長した雄羊
- drive, ram, force
- 狩りたてる, 狩立てる, 狩り立てる
- force into or from an action or state, either physically or metaphorically; "She rammed her mind into focus"; "He drives me mad"
- 物理的、または比喩的に、ある動作または状態に追いこむ、またはやめさせる
- ram, crash
- 突き当たる, 打ち当たる, 打当る, 打ち当る, 打当たる
- undergo damage or destruction on impact; "the plane crashed into the ocean"; "The car crashed into the lamp post"
- 損害を受ける、もしくは衝撃による破壊
- jampack, jam, chock up, cram, wad, ram
- 詰めこむ, 詰め込む, 押込める, 押しつめる, 詰める, 押込む, 押し込める, 押しこめる, 詰込む, 押詰める, 押し詰める
- crowd or pack to capacity; "the theater was jampacked"
- 混雑しているあるいは超満員である
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