英日字典: shrink
KK Pronunciation
〔 ʃrIŋk 〕
〔 ʃriŋk 〕
The shrink has 6 Senses.
- shrivel up, shrink, wither, shrivel
- 萎萎する, 乾からびる, 萎びる, 干からびる, 涸びる, 萎む, 乾涸びる, しぼむ, 萎える, 萎れる, 干涸びる, 乾びる, 萎え萎えする, 凋む, 萎々する
- wither, as with a loss of moisture; "The fruit dried and shriveled"
- 湿気の損失と同時にしぼむ
- recoil, quail, squinch, shrink, wince, funk, flinch, cringe
- 尻込み, 後込, 辟易, 後ごむ, 尻込, 後退る, 尻ごみ, ひるむ, 後込む, 怯む, 尻込む, 尻ごむ, たじろぐ, 後込み
- draw back, as with fear or pain; "she flinched when they showed the slaughtering of the calf"
- 恐怖または痛みで引き下がる
- shrink, reduce
- 縮小, 縮める, 収縮させる
- reduce in size; reduce physically; "Hot water will shrink the sweater"; "Can you shrink this image?"
- サイズを縮小する
- shrink, shrivel
- 収縮, 減る, 蹙る, 縮まる, 縮る, 縮む
- decrease in size, range, or extent; "His earnings shrank"; "My courage shrivelled when I saw the task before me"
- 大きさ、範囲、または程度を縮小する
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