英日字典: recoil
KK Pronunciation
〔 rIˋkɒIl 〕
〔 riˊkɒil 〕
The recoil has 6 Senses.
- kick, recoil
- the backward jerk of a gun when it is fired
- 銃が発砲されるときにそれが逆へ引っ張られること
- recoil, quail, squinch, shrink, wince, funk, flinch, cringe
- 尻込み, 後込, 辟易, 後ごむ, 尻込, 後退る, 尻ごみ, ひるむ, 後込む, 怯む, 尻込む, 尻ごむ, たじろぐ, 後込み
- draw back, as with fear or pain; "she flinched when they showed the slaughtering of the calf"
- 恐怖または痛みで引き下がる
- recoil, backfire, backlash
- come back to the originator of an action with an undesired effect; "Your comments may backfire and cause you a lot of trouble"
- 悪しき効果を伴った行為を行った創始者へ一度立ち返る
- recoil, ricochet, take a hop, rebound, spring, resile, bounce, reverberate, bound
- 跳ね上がる, 跳ね返る, 跳ね上る, 跳ねあがる, 刎ね上がる, 跳び上がる, 跳上る, バウンド, 跳ねる, 跳上がる, 跳ねかえる, 弾む, 跳返る, はね上がる, 跳る, 跳び出す, リバウンド
- spring back; spring away from an impact; "The rubber ball bounced"; "These particles do not resile but they unite after they collide"
- 後ろに跳ねる
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