英日字典: silly
KK Pronunciation
〔 ˋsIlI 〕
〔 ˊsili 〕
The silly has 5 Senses.
- silly
- a word used for misbehaving children; "don't be a silly"
- 不品行にふるまう子供に対して使用される言葉
- goofy, cockamamie, zany, wacky, silly, whacky, sappy, cockamamy
- 馬鹿ばかしい, 愚鈍, 愚昧, 阿呆, 馬鹿馬鹿しい, 間抜け, 愚癡, 梼昧, 間ぬけ, 愚陋, とんま, 愚蒙, 愚劣, 愚盲, 荒唐無稽, 阿呆臭い, 馬鹿らしい, 愚か
- ludicrous, foolish; "gave me a cockamamie reason for not going"; "wore a goofy hat"; "a silly idea"; "some wacky plan for selling more books"
- 滑稽な、愚かな
- lightheaded, empty-headed, silly, giddy, airheaded, featherbrained, dizzy, light-headed
- 浅墓, 滅多, 浅はか, 軽躁
- lacking seriousness; given to frivolity; "a dizzy blonde"; "light-headed teenagers"; "silly giggles"
- 真剣さを欠いているさま
- ridiculous, silly, pathetic
- 哀れ
- inspiring scornful pity; "how silly an ardent and unsuccessful wooer can be especially if he is getting on in years"- Dashiell Hammett
- 訴えかける軽蔑に満ちた哀れみ
- punch-drunk, silly, slaphappy
- ちゃらんぽらん, 愚か
- dazed from or as if from repeated blows; "knocked silly by the impact"; "slaphappy with exhaustion"
- 繰り返し殴られて、または、繰り返し殴られたようボーっとしている
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