英日字典: sphere
KK Pronunciation
〔 sfIr 〕
〔 sfiә 〕
The sphere has 7 Senses.
- sphere, orbit, area, arena, domain, field
- 分野, 活動範囲, 領分, フィールド, 疆域, 領域, 活動の領域, 範囲
- a particular environment or walk of life; "his social sphere is limited"; "it was a closed area of employment"; "he's out of my orbit"
- 特定の環境や社会的階級
- sphere
- 玉, 球, ボール, 円球, 球状体, 球体
- any spherically shaped artifact
- 球形をした人工物
- sphere, sector
- 領域, 範囲
- a particular aspect of life or activity; "he was helpless in an important sector of his life"
- 生活あるいは行動の特定の面
- sphere
- 分野, 天地, 球
- a solid figure bounded by a spherical surface (including the space it encloses)
- 球面(それが囲む空間を含む)に囲まれている立体図形
- sphere
- 球, 円球, 球形, 球体
- a three-dimensional closed surface such that every point on the surface is equidistant from the center
- 表面上の点が中心からすべて等距離にある3次元の閉じた面
- sphere, heavens, empyrean, firmament, celestial sphere, vault of heaven, welkin
- スカイ, 空, 天球, 上天, 九天, 大空, 天空, 天上, 天, 一天, 宙
- the apparent surface of the imaginary sphere on which celestial bodies appear to be projected
- 天体投影しているように見える、仮想の天球の見かけ上の表面
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