英日字典: 分野
14 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- area
- 分野, 域, 領域, エリア, 範囲, 方面
- a subject of study; "it was his area of specialization"; "areas of interest include..."
- 研究の対象
- theater, theatre of operations, theatre, field of operations, theater of operations, field
- 分野, 野原, フィールド, 原野, 畑, 野, 原, 戦域
- a region in which active military operations are in progress; "the army was in the field awaiting action"; "he served in the Vietnam theater for three years"
- 活動中の軍事作戦が進行中の地域
- study, subject area, bailiwick, subject field, discipline, subject, field, field of study
- 分野, 学科, 教科, 専門科目, 専門分野, フィールド, 科, 科目, 研究分野
- a branch of knowledge; "in what discipline is his doctorate?"; "teachers should be well trained in their subject"; "anthropology is the study of human beings"
- 知識の分野
- department
- 分野
- a specialized sphere of knowledge; "baking is not my department"; "his work established a new department of literature"
- 専門化された知識の範囲
- part, section, division
- 分野, 一部分, 一節, セクション, 部分, 部署, 一部, パーツ, 部, パート, 区分, 部門, 一端
- one of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole; "the written part of the exam"; "the finance section of the company"; "the BBC's engineering division"
- 何かを分けたうちの1つで、合わせると全体を構成するもの
- sphere
- 分野, 天地, 球
- a solid figure bounded by a spherical surface (including the space it encloses)
- 球面(それが囲む空間を含む)に囲まれている立体図形
- field
- 分野, 領域, 方面
- all the competitors in a particular contest or sporting event
- 特定のコンテストやスポーツにおけるすべての競技者
- sectionalization, partitioning, sectionalisation, partition, segmentation, division
- 分野, 分割, 事業部, 除算, 師団, 区劃, 節, 割り算, 部分, 分け取り, 分周, 割算, 仕切り, 区処, 除法, 区分け, 区画, 分科, 分配, 分裂, 区分, 部門
- the act of dividing or partitioning; separation by the creation of a boundary that divides or keeps apart
- 分かれること、または分割する行為
- naval division, division
- 分野, 分割, 事業部, 除算, 師団, 区劃, 割り算, 分け取り, 分周, 割算, 仕切り, 区処, 除法, 艦隊, 区分け, 区画, 分裂, 区分
- a group of ships of similar type
- 類似の種の船のグループ
- kingdom, realm, land
- 分野, 世界, 国, 領域
- a domain in which something is dominant; "the untroubled kingdom of reason"; "a land of make-believe"; "the rise of the realm of cotton in the south"
- 何かが支配的である領域
- air division, division
- 分野, 分割, 事業部, 除算, 師団, 区劃, 割り算, 分け取り, 分周, 割算, 仕切り, 区処, 除法, 区分け, 区画, 分裂, 区分
- a unit of the United States Air Force usually comprising two or more wings
- 通常は2個以上の航空団から成る米国空軍部隊
- sphere, orbit, area, arena, domain, field
- 分野, 活動範囲, 領分, フィールド, 疆域, 領域, 活動の領域, 範囲
- a particular environment or walk of life; "his social sphere is limited"; "it was a closed area of employment"; "he's out of my orbit"
- 特定の環境や社会的階級
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