英日字典: stoop
KK Pronunciation
〔 stup 〕
〔 stu:p 〕
The stoop has 8 Senses.
- stoop
- 前屈み, 前かがみ, 猫背, 猫背中
- an inclination of the top half of the body forward and downward
- 上半身を前下方へ傾けること
- stoup, stoop
- basin for holy water
- 聖水を入れる容器
- stoop, stoep
- small porch or set of steps at the front entrance of a house
- 家の玄関前の小さなポーチあるいは階段
- bend, stoop, bow, crouch
- 屈む, 蹲む, 屈める, しゃがむ, 屈する, かがむ, 屈まる
- bend one's back forward from the waist on down; "he crouched down"; "She bowed before the Queen"; "The young man stooped to pick up the girl's purse"
- 腰から、前方へ自分の背中を曲げる
- stoop, condescend, lower oneself
- 下りる
- debase oneself morally, act in an undignified, unworthy, or dishonorable way; "I won't stoop to reading other people's mail"
- 道徳的に自分の質を下げ、品のない、価値のない、あるいは不名誉な方法で作用する
- stoop
- descend swiftly, as if on prey; "The eagle stooped on the mice in the field"
- 獲物に襲い掛かるかのように素早く降下する
- stoop
- sag, bend, bend over or down; "the rocks stooped down over the hiking path"
- 垂れる、曲がる、垂れ掛かる、あるいは垂れ下がる
- stoop
- carry oneself, often habitually, with head, shoulders, and upper back bent forward; "The old man was stooping but he could walk around without a cane"
- しばしば習慣的に、頭、肩、背中の上部を前に曲げることを行う
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