

英日字典: make_out

The make_out has 10 Senses.

  • make out
  • comprehend; "I cannot make out what this politician is saying"
  • 理解する

  • come, fare, do, get along, make out
  • proceed or get along; "How is she doing in her new job?"; "How are you making out in graduate school?"; "He's come a long way"
  • 続行する、または先へ進める

  • neck, make out
  • kiss, embrace, or fondle with sexual passion; "The couple were necking in the back seat of the car"
  • キ性的な情熱を持ってキスをする、抱き合う、または撫で回す

  • make out
  • imply or suggest; "Your remarks make me out to be stupid"
  • 仄めかす、または、暗示する

  • make out
  • try to establish; "She made out that she know nothing about the crime"
  • 確立しようとする

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