英日字典: take_off
The take_off has 9 Senses.
- set off, set forth, part, start out, set out, start, depart, take off
- 発す, 出発, 発する, 発つ, 発車, スタート, 発しる, 発進
- leave; "The family took off for Florida"
- 出発する
- take off
- 取りはずす, 取去る, 取除く, 脱する, 除ける, 剥ぐ, 取り外し, はぎ取る, 取り除く, 取り去る, 外す, 除く, 取りはずし, 消す
- take away or remove; "Take that weight off me!"
- 取るか、取り除く
- take off
- mimic or imitate in an amusing or satirical manner; "This song takes off from a famous aria"
- 面白く、または皮肉に、物まねあるいは模倣をする
- take off
- 脱衣, 脱ぐ
- remove clothes; "take off your shirt--it's very hot in here"
- 衣服をとる
- get off the ground, take off
- 動き出す, 始動
- get started or set in motion, used figuratively; "the project took a long time to get off the ground"
- 比ゆ的に使用され、行動を開始する、または、セッティングをする
- take off
- prove fatal; "The disease took off"
- 致命傷になる
- deduct, subtract, take off
- 減じる, 差し引く, さし引き, 減ずる, 差っぴく, 差引, さっ引く, 差引く, さし引く, 差っ引く, 差引き, 減算, 差しひき, マイナス, 差しひく, 差し引き, 控除
- make a subtraction; "subtract this amount from my paycheck"
- 引き算をする
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