英日字典: wisdom
KK Pronunciation
〔 ˋwIzdәm 〕
〔 ˊwizdәm 〕
The wisdom has 5 Senses.
- wisdom
- 智識, 知識
- accumulated knowledge or erudition or enlightenment
- 蓄積された知識、博学または啓発
- wisdom, wiseness
- 分別, 別ち, 明哲さ, 智恵, 明智, 聡明さ, 分ち, 分かち, 知慮, 賢さ, 賢慮, 智慮, 俐発, 賢明さ, 智慧, 明達, 知恵
- the trait of utilizing knowledge and experience with common sense and insight
- 良識と見識とともに、知識と経験を役立たせる特性
- sapience, wisdom
- 利巧, 聰明, 英明, 悟性, 分別, 利口さ, 別ち, 智, 智恵, 知力, 悧巧さ, 智識, 知, 聡慧, 知識, 叡知, 聡明さ, 分ち, 分かち, 般若, 賢さ, 悧巧, 賢慮, 大賢, 俐発, 賢, 才気, 睿智, 賢明さ, 聡明, 叡智, 智慧, 才力, 明達, 知恵, 英知, 明哲, 怜悧さ, 利巧さ
- ability to apply knowledge or experience or understanding or common sense and insight
- 知識、経験、理解、常識、および洞察を働かせる能力
- soundness, wisdom, wiseness
- 利巧, 聰明, 英明, 利口さ, 利発, 明哲さ, 悧巧さ, 聡慧, 聡明さ, 堅実, 賢さ, 悧巧, 大賢, 悧発, 俐発, 賢, 賢明さ, 聡明, 明達, 明哲, 怜悧さ, 利巧さ
- the quality of being prudent and sensible
- 思慮深く分別があるという特質
- wisdom of solomon, wisdom
- an Apocryphal book consisting mainly of a meditation on wisdom; although ascribed to Solomon it was probably written in the first century BC
- 知恵に関する瞑想で主に成る外典の本
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