英日字典: 聡明
11 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- soundness, wisdom, wiseness
- 利巧, 聰明, 英明, 利口さ, 利発, 明哲さ, 悧巧さ, 聡慧, 聡明さ, 堅実, 賢さ, 悧巧, 大賢, 悧発, 俐発, 賢, 賢明さ, 聡明, 明達, 明哲, 怜悧さ, 利巧さ
- the quality of being prudent and sensible
- 思慮深く分別があるという特質
- sapience, wisdom
- 利巧, 聰明, 英明, 悟性, 分別, 利口さ, 別ち, 智, 智恵, 知力, 悧巧さ, 智識, 知, 聡慧, 知識, 叡知, 聡明さ, 分ち, 分かち, 般若, 賢さ, 悧巧, 賢慮, 大賢, 俐発, 賢, 才気, 睿智, 賢明さ, 聡明, 叡智, 智慧, 才力, 明達, 知恵, 英知, 明哲, 怜悧さ, 利巧さ
- ability to apply knowledge or experience or understanding or common sense and insight
- 知識、経験、理解、常識、および洞察を働かせる能力
- sagaciousness, sagacity, judgment, judgement, discernment
- 聰明, 裁き, 審判, 判断力, 分別, 鑑識, 判断, 捌き, 明敏, 裁決, 智恵, ジャッジメント, 洞察力, 裁判, 刑罰, 審査, 判定, 判決, 批判, 聡明, 智慧, 知恵, 物心
- the mental ability to understand and discriminate between relations
- 関係を理解して区別する知能
- intelligent
- 利巧, 英明, 賢しい, 利根, 利発, 明敏, インテリジェント, 賢明, 聡慧, 悧巧, 賢い, 利口, 悧発, 怜悧, 聡明, 穎悟, 明達
- having the capacity for thought and reason especially to a high degree; "is there intelligent life in the universe?"; "an intelligent question"
- 特に高度に思考と理性の能力を持つ
- sharp, astute, shrewd
- 英明, シャープ, 抜け目ない, 小ざかしい, 慧敏, 敏い, すすどい, さとい, 敏, 賢い, 鋭利, 穎敏, 利口, 鋭敏, 犀利, 聡明, 鋭い, 小賢しい, 俊敏
- marked by practical hardheaded intelligence; "a smart businessman"; "an astute tenant always reads the small print in a lease"; "he was too shrewd to go along with them on a road that could lead only to their overthrow"
- 実際的な実際的な知性によって特徴づけられる
- discriminating, sharp, incisive, keen, piercing, knifelike, penetrative, penetrating, acute
- 英明, シャープ, 明敏, 敏い, さとい, 敏, 鋭利, 慧い, 穎敏, 鋭敏, 犀利, 聡明, 鋭い
- having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions; "an acute observer of politics and politicians"; "incisive comments"; "icy knifelike reasoning"; "as sharp and incisive as the stroke of a fang"; "penetrating insight"; "frequent penetrative observations"
- 微細な区別を認識するか引き起こす能力を持っている、あるいは示すさま
- smart, bright
- 利巧, 賢しい, 利根, 利発, 明敏, 賢明, 英悟, 悧巧, 賢い, 利口, 悧発, 俊秀, 聡い, 聡明
- characterized by quickness and ease in learning; "some children are brighter in one subject than another"; "smart children talk earlier than the average"
- 学習の機敏さそして容易さによって特徴付けられる
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