

英日字典: worrying

The worrying has 3 Senses.

  • worrying
  • the act of moving something by repeated tugs or pushes; "vigorous worrying finally loosened the saw"
  • 何かを何度も押したり引いたりして動かす行為

  • troubling, disturbing, perturbing, worrying, worrisome, distressing, distressful
  • 悩ましい, 苦悩させる
  • causing distress or worry or anxiety; "distressing (or disturbing) news"; "lived in heroic if something distressful isolation"; "a disturbing amount of crime"; "a revelation that was most perturbing"; "a new and troubling thought"; "in a particularly worrisome predicament"; "a worrying situation"; "a worrying time"
  • 苦悩、心配または不安を引き起こすさま

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