英日字典: おもしろい
4 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- gratifying, enjoyable, pleasurable
- 楽しい, 愉快, おもしろい, 悦ばしい, 満足, 心嬉しい, 痛快, 愉しい, 心うれしい, 面白い
- affording satisfaction or pleasure; "the company was enjoyable"; "found her praise gratifying"; "full of happiness and pleasurable excitement"; "good printing makes a book more pleasurable to read"
- 満足または喜びを与えるさま
- funny, laughable, risible, comical, comic, amusing, mirthful
- 可笑しい, 面白可笑しい, コミカル, おもろい, おもしろい, おかしい, 滑稽, おもしい, 面白おかしい, 面白い
- arousing or provoking laughter; "an amusing film with a steady stream of pranks and pratfalls"; "an amusing fellow"; "a comic hat"; "a comical look of surprise"; "funny stories that made everybody laugh"; "a very funny writer"; "it would have been laughable if it hadn't hurt so much"; "a mirthful experience"; "risible courtroom antics"
- 笑いを起こすか、誘うさま
- delicious, delightful
- 楽しい, おもろい, 愉快, おもしろい, 悦ばしい, 小気味好い, 心嬉しい, 愉しい, 喜ばしい, 心うれしい, 小気味よい, 面白い
- greatly pleasing or entertaining; "a delightful surprise"; "the comedy was delightful"; "a delicious joke"
- 大いに喜ばせるかまたは楽しませるさま
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