英日字典: 満足
20 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- contentment
- 満足
- happiness with one's situation in life
- 人生におけるその人の状況に対する幸福
- satisfaction
- 本望, 留飲, 満足, 喜び, 会心, サティスファクション
- act of fulfilling a desire or need or appetite; "the satisfaction of their demand for better services"
- 欲望や必要、食欲を満たす行為
- satisfaction
- 満足
- (law) the payment of a debt or fulfillment of an obligation; "the full and final satisfaction of the claim"
- 負債の支払い、または義務の遂行
- contentedness, content
- 満足
- the state of being contented with your situation in life; "he relaxed in sleepy contentedness"; "they could read to their heart's content"
- 人生の状況に満足している状態
- satisfaction
- 満足, 会心, 満足感
- the contentment one feels when one has fulfilled a desire, need, or expectation; "the chef tasted the sauce with great satisfaction"
- 何かを申し分なくやり終えた時に感じる満足
- pleased
- 満足, 喜ばしい, 慊焉たる
- experiencing or manifesting pleasure
- 喜びを経験する、または明らかにするさま
- gratifying, enjoyable, pleasurable
- 楽しい, 愉快, おもしろい, 悦ばしい, 満足, 心嬉しい, 痛快, 愉しい, 心うれしい, 面白い
- affording satisfaction or pleasure; "the company was enjoyable"; "found her praise gratifying"; "full of happiness and pleasurable excitement"; "good printing makes a book more pleasurable to read"
- 満足または喜びを与えるさま
- sufficient
- 十分, 満足, 充分
- of a quantity that can fulfill a need or requirement but without being abundant; "sufficient food"
- 豊富ではなく必要または必要条件を満たすことができる量の
- consummate, complete
- 充実した, 完備した, 完ぺき, コンプリート, 十全, 満足, 円満, 完璧, 精到, 完壁, 万全, 完全, 丸, パーフェクト
- perfect and complete in every respect; having all necessary qualities; "a complete gentleman"; "consummate happiness"; "a consummate performance"
- あらゆる側面で完璧で完全な
- contented, content
- 千倍, 満足, 慊焉たる
- satisfied or showing satisfaction with things as they are; "a contented smile"
- そのままにものに対して満足している、または、そのままにものに対して満足感を見せている
- satisfied
- 満足
- filled with satisfaction; "a satisfied customer"
- 満足でいっぱい
- content
- 満足
- satisfy in a limited way; "He contented himself with one glass of beer per day"
- 限られた方向で満足する
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