英日字典: そろそろ
5 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- mildly, gently
- しっとり, そっと, やおら, やんわり, のったり, 穏和, 徐に, 穏やか, そろそろ, 御手柔らか, 優しく, 長閑, 徐ろに, 御手柔らかに, そと, そろり, しっとりと
- in a gentle manner; "he talked gently to the injured animal"
- 柔らかい態度で
- soon, presently, shortly, before long
- ただ今, 何れ, 近いうちに, 今にも, 直ぐ, やがて, 日ならず, 今や, 今に, 只今, すぐ, 間も無く, 追っ掛け, 近々, まもなく, 近近, その内, そろそろ, ほどなく, 軈て, 追っ付け, 間もなく, もう, 幾何も無く, 頓て, 唯今, 其の内, ちかぢか, 孰れ, 追っつけ, 程なく, 其内, 幾許も無く, 程無く, 不日, 幾ばくもなく, いくばくも無く, 日成らず, もうすぐ, 遠からず, 近く
- in the near future; "the doctor will soon be here"; "the book will appear shortly"; "she will arrive presently"; "we should have news before long"
- 近い将来に
- slowly, easy, tardily, slow
- ゆっくり, ゆるり, 遅遅, やおら, 徐徐に, ゆったり, 緩徐, 徐々に, 緩り, のろのろ, のそり, ゆるゆる, のったり, じょじょに, おもむろに, 徐に, 悠悠, そろそろ, のっそり, のそのそ, 徐徐, 悠々, ゆらり, 徐ろに, じんわり, じわじわ, 緩々, ぐずぐず, 緩緩, もたもた, 徐々, 遅々
- without speed (`slow' is sometimes used informally for `slowly'); "he spoke slowly"; "go easy here--the road is slippery"; "glaciers move tardily"; "please go slow so I can see the sights"
- 速度なしで
- quietly, quiet
- そっと, じっと, じいっと, そろそろ, そと
- with little or no activity or no agitation (`quiet' is a nonstandard variant for `quietly'); "her hands rested quietly in her lap"; "the rock star was quietly led out the back door"; "sit here as quiet as you can"
- ほとんど動き、または動揺がない状態
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