英日字典: 近く
4 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- neighbourhood, locality, vicinity, neighborhood, neck of the woods
- 傍近, 近間, 真近, 付近, 附近, 周囲, 界隈, 近傍, 周り, 四辺, 辺り近処, 其の辺, 其辺, 近所, あたり近所, 近所近辺, その辺, 辺近所, 辺り, 四囲, 近辺, 側辺, 辺近処, 辺, 側, 周辺, 辺り近所, 傍, あたり, 近隣, 近く
- a surrounding or nearby region; "the plane crashed in the vicinity of Asheville"; "it is a rugged locality"; "he always blames someone else in the immediate neighborhood"; "I will drop in on you the next time I am in this neck of the woods"
- 周辺の地域、または、近隣の地域
- soon, presently, shortly, before long
- ただ今, 何れ, 近いうちに, 今にも, 直ぐ, やがて, 日ならず, 今や, 今に, 只今, すぐ, 間も無く, 追っ掛け, 近々, まもなく, 近近, その内, そろそろ, ほどなく, 軈て, 追っ付け, 間もなく, もう, 幾何も無く, 頓て, 唯今, 其の内, ちかぢか, 孰れ, 追っつけ, 程なく, 其内, 幾許も無く, 程無く, 不日, 幾ばくもなく, いくばくも無く, 日成らず, もうすぐ, 遠からず, 近く
- in the near future; "the doctor will soon be here"; "the book will appear shortly"; "she will arrive presently"; "we should have news before long"
- 近い将来に
- closely, intimately, nearly
- 親密, 密接に, 直, 近く
- in a close manner; "the two phenomena are intimately connected"; "the person most nearly concerned"
- 緊密なさまの
- closely
- ぴっちり, 接近して, ぴたっと, ぴちっと, ぎっちぎっち, ぴたり, ぎっちり, ぴたりと, 近く, ぴったり
- in a close relation or position in time or space; "the onsets were closely timed"; "houses set closely together"; "was closely involved in monitoring daily progress"
- 時間または空間と密接する関係あるいは位置で
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