英日字典: ちゃんと
7 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- decently
- ちゃんと, 体裁良く
- in a decent manner; "they don't know how to dress decently"
- きちんとした様子で
- just, precisely, exactly
- 聢と, 丁度, きちんと, きちんきちん, きちっと, 正に, ちょうど, ぴたっと, きっちり, 将に, かっきり, ちゃんと, 正確, ずばり, きっかり, かっちり, 正しく, まさに, ちょっきり, まさしく, 確と, どんぴしゃり, ぴたり, 当に, 恰度, ぴたりと, ぴったり
- indicating exactness or preciseness; "he was doing precisely (or exactly) what she had told him to do"; "it was just as he said--the jewel was gone"; "it has just enough salt"
- 正確さまたは精密度を示すこと
- precisely, incisively, exactly
- 聢と, 丁度, きちんと, きちっと, 正に, ちょうど, ぴたっと, きっちり, 将に, ちゃんと, 正確, ずばり, 正しく, まさに, まさしく, 確と, どんぴしゃり, ぴたり, 恰度, ぴたりと, ぴったり
- in a precise manner; "she always expressed herself precisely"
- 正確な方法で
- perfectly
- ものの見事に, 物のみごとに, ちゃんと, ばっちり, 物の見事に, 申し分なく, 完全
- in a perfect or faultless way; "She performed perfectly on the balance beam"; "spoke English perfectly"; "solved the problem perfectly"
- 完全でまたは欠点のない方法で
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