

英日字典: アプローチ


6 文書を見つけるための辞書。

  • attack, plan of attack, approach
  • アプローチ, 着手方法, 着手計画
  • ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situation; "his approach to every problem is to draw up a list of pros and cons"; "an attack on inflation"; "his plan of attack was misguided"
  • 問題または状況に対処することを目的とする考えまたは行動

  • coming, approaching, approach
  • アプローチ, 接近, 近接
  • the act of drawing spatially closer to something; "the hunter's approach scattered the geese"
  • 何かに空間的に近づく行為

  • approach shot, approach
  • アプローチショット, アプローチ
  • a relatively short golf shot intended to put the ball onto the putting green; "he lost the hole when his approach rolled over the green"
  • パッティンググリーンにボールを置くための比較的に短いゴルフ・ショット

  • approach
  • 近寄る, アプローチ, 近づく, 近よる, 近付く
  • make advances to someone, usually with a proposal or suggestion; "I was approached by the President to serve as his adviser in foreign matters"
  • 通常草案または提案で、誰かを口説く

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