英日字典: 不安定
19 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- doubt, uncertainty, doubtfulness, dubiousness, dubiety, incertitude
- 不安定, 疑惑, 疑問, 懐疑, 半信半疑, 不安心, 疑しさ, 疑心, 疑り, 懐疑心, 疑義, 疑い, 疑, 疑念, 疑い深いこと, 疑わしさ
- the state of being unsure of something
- 何かについて確信がない状態
- unsteadiness
- 不安定, 不規則
- the quality of being unsteady--varying and unpredictable
- 不安定な性質−−変動し予測できない
- insecure
- 不安定
- not firm or firmly fixed; likely to fail or give way; "the hinge is insecure"
- 安定していない、あるいはしっかりと固定されていないさま
- labile
- 不安定
- liable to change; "an emotionally labile person"
- 変わりやすい
- unsettled, changeable, uncertain
- 不安定
- subject to change; "a changeable climate"; "the weather is uncertain"; "unsettled weather with rain and hail and sunshine coming one right after the other"
- 変更される可能性がある
- uncertain
- 不安定, 不確か
- not certain to occur; not inevitable; "everything is uncertain about the army"; "the issue is uncertain"
- 起こることは確かでない
- unsettled
- 不安定
- not settled or established; "an unsettled lifestyle"
- 決着しないか、または設立されない
- insecure
- 不安定
- lacking self-confidence or assurance; "an insecure person lacking mental stability"
- 自信または確信が欠如しているさま
- unstable
- 不安定
- highly or violently reactive; "sensitive and highly unstable compounds"
- 高度にまたは激しく反応する
- insecure, unsafe
- 不安定
- lacking in security or safety; "his fortune was increasingly insecure"; "an insecure future"
- 安全または安全性に欠ける
- shaky, precarious
- 不安定
- not secure; beset with difficulties; "a shaky marriage"
- 安全でない
- unstable
- 不安定
- disposed to psychological variability; "his rather unstable religious convictions"
- 精神的な変わりやすさという傾向がある
- unsettled
- 不安定
- not yet settled; "unsettled territory"
- 未解決の
- treacherous, unreliable
- 不安定
- dangerously unstable and unpredictable; "treacherous winding roads"; "an unreliable trestle"
- 危険なほど変わりやすく、予測できない
- unsettled
- 不安定, 宙ぶらりん, 未定, 不確定, 未解決, 有耶無耶, 宙ぶらり, 中ぶらり, 不定, うやむや, 中ぶらりん
- still in doubt; "an unsettled issue"; "an unsettled state of mind"
- まだ疑わしい
- unstable
- 不安定
- lacking stability or fixity or firmness; "unstable political conditions"; "the tower proved to be unstable in the high wind"; "an unstable world economy"
- 安定性、不変性、または堅実性を欠く
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