英日字典: 懐疑
7 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- doubt, uncertainty, doubtfulness, dubiousness, dubiety, incertitude
- 不安定, 疑惑, 疑問, 懐疑, 半信半疑, 不安心, 疑しさ, 疑心, 疑り, 懐疑心, 疑義, 疑い, 疑, 疑念, 疑い深いこと, 疑わしさ
- the state of being unsure of something
- 何かについて確信がない状態
- uncertainty, uncertainness, precariousness
- 不確定度, 疑惑, 危なさ, 懐疑, 怪訝, 心許無さ, 不確実さ, 不明, 半信半疑, 不確実, 心もとなさ, 不安心, 疑しさ, 怪しさ, 不審, 疑り, 疑い, 不定, 不明瞭, 心許なさ, 不正確, 頼りなさ, 疑念, 不安定さ, 疑わしさ
- being unsettled or in doubt or dependent on chance; "the uncertainty of the outcome"; "the precariousness of his income"
- 未解決の、未決定の、または偶然の
- intuition, hunch, suspicion
- 直感, 疑惑, 懐疑, 直覚, 洞察力, 予覚, 疑心, 疑り, 疑い, 嫌疑, 感づくこと, 勘, 予感, 疑, 疑念, 直観
- an impression that something might be the case; "he had an intuition that something had gone wrong"
- そうであるかもしれないという印象
- suspect, distrust, mistrust
- 疑る, 懐疑, 怪訝, 不審がる, 訝しむ, 猜疑, 狐疑, 訝る, 疑う, 怪しむ
- regard as untrustworthy; regard with suspicion; have no faith or confidence in
- 信頼できないと見なす
- doubt
- 疑る, 懐疑, 怪訝, 不審がる, 訝しむ, 狐疑, 訝る, 疑う, 怪しむ
- lack confidence in or have doubts about; "I doubt these reports"; "I suspect her true motives"; "she distrusts her stepmother"
- に対して自信がない、あるいは疑いがある
- doubt
- 疑る, 懐疑, 怪訝, 不審がる, 訝しむ, 怪しがる, 思う, 狐疑, 念う, 訝る, 疑う, 怪しむ
- consider unlikely or have doubts about; "I doubt that she will accept his proposal of marriage"
- ありそうもないと思うか、疑いがある
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