英日字典: 不規律
7 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- undisciplined
- 不規律
- not subjected to discipline; "undisciplined talent"
- 規律の対象でない
- uncorrected, undisciplined
- 不規律
- not subjected to correction or discipline; "let her children grow up uncorrected"
- 訂正または鍛練に服従していない
- disorganised, disorganized
- 不規律
- lacking order or methodical arrangement or function; "a disorganized enterprise"; "a thousand pages of muddy and disorganized prose"; "she was too disorganized to be an agreeable roommate"
- 順序または秩序立った取り決めまたは機能が欠如しているさま
- ungoverned, undisciplined
- 不規律
- lacking in discipline or control; "undisciplined behavior"; "ungoverned youth"
- 規律または制御が不足するさま
- disorderly, jumbled, topsy-turvy, higgledy-piggledy, hugger-mugger
- 妄り, 目茶, 乱脈, 濫り, 滅茶苦茶, ごちゃごちゃ, 乱雑, 紛雑, 無秩序, 滅茶, 無規律, 猥り, 支離滅裂, 放漫, 猥雑, 不規律, 乱り, 滅茶滅茶, めちゃ, 雑然たる, ごじゃごじゃ
- in utter disorder; "a disorderly pile of clothes"
- 乱脈を極めて
- disorderly
- 無秩序, 無規律, 不規律
- undisciplined and unruly; "disorderly youths"; "disorderly conduct"
- 節操がなく、手に負えない
- chaotic, disorderly
- 目茶苦茶, 目茶, 滅茶苦茶, 乱雑, 紛雑, 無秩序, 滅茶, 無規律, 支離滅裂, 狼藉たる, 猥雑, めちゃくちゃ, 不規律, 滅茶滅茶, めちゃ, 雑然たる, がたがた, 渾沌たる, 混とんたる, 混沌たる
- completely unordered and unpredictable and confusing
- 完全に統率がなく、予測できず、困惑させる
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