英日字典: 低減
8 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- decrease, lessening, drop-off
- 減退, 減少, 損減, 減量, 低下, 減り, 下がり, 減, 減損, 低減, 下落, 減数, 累減
- a change downward; "there was a decrease in his temperature as the fever subsided"; "there was a sharp drop-off in sales"
- 下向きの変化
- downfall, fall
- 顛落, フォール, 減少, 凋落, 転落, 破滅, 没落, 低落, 不良化, 失陥, 降下, 低減, 滅亡, 衰亡, 下落, 落下
- a sudden decline in strength or number or importance; "the fall of the House of Hapsburg"
- 力や数や重要性の突然の低下
- reduction, simplification
- 短縮, 切り詰め, 減少, 減反, 縮小, 値下げ, 減段, 還元, 削減, 節減, リダクション, 低減, 簡素化, 引き下げ
- the act of reducing complexity
- 複雑さを減らす行為
- cut
- 減少, 縮小, 削減, カット, 減額, 低減, 引き下げ
- the act of reducing the amount or number; "the mayor proposed extensive cuts in the city budget"
- 量や数を減らす行為
- minify, lessen, decrease
- 減じる, 減ずる, 減殺, 減らす, 減少, 縮小, 減す, 減損, 低減, 累減
- make smaller; "He decreased his staff"
- 小さくする
- lessen, fall, decrease, diminish
- 減じる, 減ずる, 落ちる, 減退, 減る, 減殺, 減少, 退潮, 凋落, 落ち込む, 下向く, 減量, 低落, 先ぼそる, 低下, 落ちこむ, 下伸び, 下降, 低減, 下落, 下がる, 下伸
- decrease in size, extent, or range; "The amount of homework decreased towards the end of the semester"; "The cabin pressure fell dramatically"; "her weight fell to under a hundred pounds"; "his voice fell to a whisper"
- サイズ、または範囲を縮小する
- trim down, cut back, cut, cut down, trim back, trim, reduce, bring down
- 減じる, 短縮, 殺ぐ, 減ずる, 減軽, 減殺, 約める, 減らす, 減少, 節略, 削る, 縮減, 縮小, 削ぐ, 刪削, 節約, 削減, 約する, 軽減, 減す, 節する, 節減, 減額, 切削, 減損, 低減, 約す, 省除, 節倹
- cut down on; make a reduction in; "reduce your daily fat intake"; "The employer wants to cut back health benefits"
- カットして減らす
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