英日字典: trim
KK Pronunciation
〔 trIm 〕
〔 trim 〕
The trim has 17 Senses.
- trim, trimness
- a state of arrangement or appearance; "in good trim"
- 整頓もしくは見かけの状態
- trim
- attitude of an aircraft in flight when allowed to take its own orientation
- 航空機が方向を変える時の、飛行中の姿勢
- trim, spare
- thin and fit; "the spare figure of a marathon runner"; "a body kept trim by exercise"
- 薄くてぴったり合うさま
- well-kept, shipshape, trim
- 小ぎれい, 小綺麗, 小奇麗
- of places; characterized by order and neatness; free from disorder; "even the barn was shipshape"; "a trim little sailboat"
- 場所の
- trig, trim, clean-cut
- neat and smart in appearance; "a clean-cut and well-bred young man"; "the trig corporal in his jaunty cap"; "a trim beard"
- 外観においてきちんとしていて垢ぬけた
- tailored, trim
- 小ぎれい, 小さっぱりした, 小綺麗, 小奇麗
- severely simple in line or design; "a neat tailored suit"; "tailored curtains"
- 線またはデザインにおいてひどく簡単な
- trim, pare
- 剪裁, 剪定, 切り調える, 刈込む, トリミング, 刈り込む, 整枝, 刈りこむ
- remove the edges from and cut down to the desired size; "pare one's fingernails"; "trim the photograph"; "trim lumber"
- 角を取り除き、好みのサイズに切り刻む
- trim
- 飾り付ける
- decorate, as with ornaments; "trim the christmas tree"; "trim a shop window"
- 装飾品を使うなどして、飾る
- trim down, cut back, cut, cut down, trim back, trim, reduce, bring down
- 減じる, 短縮, 殺ぐ, 減ずる, 減軽, 減殺, 約める, 減らす, 減少, 節略, 削る, 縮減, 縮小, 削ぐ, 刪削, 節約, 削減, 約する, 軽減, 減す, 節する, 節減, 減額, 切削, 減損, 低減, 約す, 省除, 節倹
- cut down on; make a reduction in; "reduce your daily fat intake"; "The employer wants to cut back health benefits"
- カットして減らす
- trim
- balance in flight by regulating the control surfaces; "trim an airplane"
- 操縦翼面を制限することによる飛行のバランス
- trim
- be in equilibrium during a flight; "The airplane trimmed"
- 飛行中平衡状態にある
- garnish, trim, dress
- decorate (food), as with parsley or other ornamental foods
- パセリや他の装飾用の食物のようなもので(食物を)装飾する
- cut back, snip, lop, clip, prune, crop, trim, dress
- 切り下げる, 切る, 剪定, 刈り込む, 切り落す, 切り落とす, 刈る, 切り払う
- cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of; "dress the plants in the garden"
- 耕作し、手入れをし、生長したものを短くする
- trim
- adjust (sails on a ship) so that the wind is optimally used
- 風が最適に使用されるように、(船の帆)を調整する
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