英日字典: 偽る
9 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- cozen, lead on, delude, deceive
- まやかす, 謀る, だまし込む, 瞞着, 謀つ, 掠める, 誑かす, 騙しこむ, 騙くらかす, 賺す, 担ぐ, 欺瞞, 瞞す, 騙かす, 騙る, 誑す, だます, 欺罔, 偽る, はめ込む, 詐る, 騙し込む, 欺く, 騙す, 欺す
- be false to; be dishonest with
- いんちきである
- betray, deceive, lead astray
- 化かす, まやかす, 謀る, ごまかす, たらし込む, 瞞着, 謀つ, いかさま, 鴨る, 乗せる, 誑かす, 騙くらかす, 惑わせる, 賺す, 丸めこむ, 誤魔化す, 欺瞞, 瞞す, 騙かす, 惑わす, いんちき, 騙る, 誑す, だます, 欺罔, 偽る, 計る, 詐る, 騙し込む, 欺く, 騙す, 欺す, 誑し込む
- cause someone to believe an untruth; "The insurance company deceived me when they told me they were covering my house"
- 誰かに虚偽を信じさせる
- distort, warp, falsify, garble
- 曲筆, 佯る, ねじ曲げる, 誤魔化す, 歪曲, 改竄, 偽る, ひん曲げる, 曲げる, 歪める, 枉げる, 捩じ曲げる, わい曲
- make false by mutilation or addition; as of a message or story
- 切断または追加によって偽証する
- falsify
- 矯める, 誤魔化す, 偽る
- falsify knowingly; "She falsified the records"
- 故意に偽造する
- cheat, chicane, chouse, jockey, screw, shaft
- まやかす, ごまかす, いかさま, 騙くらかす, 食わす, 欺瞞, 騙かす, 騙る, 引っ懸ける, だます, 欺罔, 偽る, 詐る, 騙す, 欺す, 食わせる
- defeat someone through trickery or deceit
- 詐欺または偽りを通して誰かを打ち倒す
- pretend
- 偽る
- put forward a claim and assert right or possession of; "pretend the title of King"
- 要求を提出し、権利や所有権を主張する
- lie
- 佯る, 嘘を吐く, 偽る, 詐る
- tell an untruth; pretend with intent to deceive; "Don't lie to your parents"; "She lied when she told me she was only 29"
- うそを言う
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