英日字典: 入用
6 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- cost
- 必要経費, 要脚, 掛り, 掛かり, 勘定, 経費, 費用, 入用, 用脚, コスト, 代金, 用, 料, 失費, 代, 代価, 費え
- the total spent for goods or services including money and time and labor
- お金、時間、及び労働を含めた商品やサービスにかかった合計
- monetary value, cost, price
- 必要経費, 要脚, 値, 定価, 買値, 買い値, 勘定, 相場, 入り, 経費, 値段, 払い, 費用, 入用, 用脚, コスト, 代金, 価格, 用度, 料金, 料, 通貨価値, 入り前, 御代, 入前, 代, 代価, 料足, 費え, 価額, お代, 時価, プライス, 値打ち
- the property of having material worth (often indicated by the amount of money something would bring if sold); "the fluctuating monetary value of gold and silver"; "he puts a high price on his services"; "he couldn't calculate the cost of the collection"
- 物質的な価値をもつという特質(しばしば、何かが売られたときにもたらす金額によって表される)
- demand, need
- 闕乏, 要求, 要用, デマンド, 入用, 希求, 冀求, 入り用, ニード, 必要, 必要さ
- a condition requiring relief; "she satisfied his need for affection"; "God has no need of men to accomplish His work"; "there is a demand for jobs"
- 救援を必要とする状態
- demand
- デマンド, 入用, 入り用, 需要
- the ability and desire to purchase goods and services; "the automobile reduced the demand for buggywhips"; "the demand exceeded the supply"
- 商品とサービスを購入する能力と願望
- essential
- 肝要, 根本的, 基本的, 重大, 入用, 肝腎, 須要, 重要, 切要, 主要, 不可欠, 至要たる, 本質的, 第一, 必要, 必須, 枢要, 肝心
- basic and fundamental; "the essential feature"
- 基本的な
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