英日字典: 冒険
7 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- venture
- 博奕, 一山, 軽業, ベンチャー, 投機, 山, 冒険
- a commercial undertaking that risks a loss but promises a profit
- 損失覚悟ではあるが利益の見込みがある、商業的企て
- chance
- 賭け, 賭, 危険, 冒険
- a risk involving danger; "you take a chance when you let her drive"
- 危険を伴うリスク
- risk, danger, peril
- リスク, 危なさ, 鬼一口, 危難, 恐れ, 危うさ, 危険性, おっかなさ, 危殆, 危険, 危機, 冒険
- a venture undertaken without regard to possible loss or injury; "he saw the rewards but not the risks of crime"; "there was a danger he would do the wrong thing"
- 死やけがを覚悟の上で行う冒険
- run a risk, take chances, adventure, gamble, chance, take a chance, risk, hazard
- 綱渡, 綱わたり, 冒す, つな渡り, 賭ける, 賭する, 綱渡り, 冒険
- take a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome; "When you buy these stocks you are gambling"
- 良好な結果を願って危険を冒す
- venture, embark
- 乗りだす, 冒す, 乗出す, 乗り出す, 冒険
- proceed somewhere despite the risk of possible dangers; "We ventured into the world of high-tech and bought a supercomputer"
- 危機の可能性にかかわらずどこかへ進む
- bell the cat
- 冒険
- take a risk; perform a daring act; "Who is going to bell the cat?"
- 危険を冒す
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