英日字典: 危難
5 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- distress
- 窮状, 危難, 危殆, 窮迫
- a state of adversity (danger or affliction or need); "a ship in distress"; "she was the classic maiden in distress"
- 逆境な状態(危険や苦悩、難局)
- catastrophe, disaster
- 変災, 壊滅, 災難, 兇変, カタストロフ, 大災, 難, 破局, 災厄, 禍, 危難, 大難, 禍害, カタストロフィー, 禍事, 災禍, 災害, 惨害, 天災, 厄, 破滅, 災, 厄災, 災い, 潰滅, 惨事, 凶変, 大厄, 惨禍, カタストロフィ, 禍患, 禍殃, 禍難, 奇禍, 凶事
- a state of extreme (usually irremediable) ruin and misfortune; "lack of funds has resulted in a catastrophe for our school system"; "his policies were a disaster"
- 極度の(通常取り返しのつかない)崩壊と不運な状態
- cataclysm, catastrophe, tragedy, disaster, calamity
- 変災, 災難, カタストロフ, 不幸せ, 大災, 横災, ご難, 御難, 難, 災厄, 禍, 危難, 天変地異, 大難, 禍害, 無慚, 激甚災害, カタストロフィー, 禍事, 不幸, 災禍, 災害, 厄害, 惨害, 異変, 天災, 厄, 災, 厄災, 無残, 悲劇, 災い, 厄難, 無惨, 惨事, 非運, 大厄, 不仕合わせ, 惨禍, トラジディー, カタストロフィ, 禍患, キャタストロフィー, 惨劇, 禍殃, 禍難, 奇禍
- an event resulting in great loss and misfortune; "the whole city was affected by the irremediable calamity"; "the earthquake was a disaster"
- 大損害や不幸をもたらす出来事
- risk, danger, peril
- リスク, 危なさ, 鬼一口, 危難, 恐れ, 危うさ, 危険性, おっかなさ, 危殆, 危険, 危機, 冒険
- a venture undertaken without regard to possible loss or injury; "he saw the rewards but not the risks of crime"; "there was a danger he would do the wrong thing"
- 死やけがを覚悟の上で行う冒険
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