英日字典: 同調
6 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- synchrony, synchronizing, synchronicity, synchronisation, synchroneity, synchronization, synchronism
- 同期, 同調, 同時発生, 同期性, 同時性
- the relation that exists when things occur at the same time; "the drug produces an increased synchrony of the brain waves"
- 物事が同時に起こるときに存在する関係
- sympathy
- 同調, 共鳴, シンパシー, 共感, 同感, 意気投合, 以心伝心
- a relation of affinity or harmony between people; whatever affects one correspondingly affects the other; "the two of them were in close sympathy"
- 人々の間の親近感または調和の関係
- understanding, sympathy
- 弔意, 同情, 弔慰, 了解, 思遣り, 同調, 共鳴, 思い遣, 理解, シンパシー, 思い遣り, 思遣, 理解力, 共感, 同感, 意気投合, 領解, 同情心, 思いやり
- an inclination to support or be loyal to or to agree with an opinion; "his sympathies were always with the underdog"; "I knew I could count on his understanding"
- 意見を支持する、意見に忠実である、または意見に同意する傾向
- adapt, conform, adjust
- 従う, 適合, 溶込む, 同調, 即する, 順応, 即す, 適応
- adapt or conform oneself to new or different conditions; "We must adjust to the bad economic situation"
- 新しい異なった状況に順応するまたは対応させる
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