英日字典: 従う
7 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- obey
- 随順, 遵従, 従う, 則する, 奉じる, 添う, 靡く, 打ちなびく, 打ち靡く, 付随う, 服す, 遵守, 順守, 体する, 付き従う, 服従, 打靡く, つき従う, うち靡く, 奉ずる, 服する, 順従, 循守, 遵奉, 随う
- be obedient to
- 従順である
- follow, accompany, play along
- 従う, 添う, 供奉, 召し連れる, 同行, お供, 副う, 相伴う, 御供, 付き従う, 伴う, 沿う, 同道, 副える, 添える, 付き添う, 付き随う
- perform an accompaniment to; "The orchestra could barely follow the frequent pitch changes of the soprano"
- 伴奏を演奏する
- adapt, conform, adjust
- 従う, 適合, 溶込む, 同調, 即する, 順応, 即す, 適応
- adapt or conform oneself to new or different conditions; "We must adjust to the bad economic situation"
- 新しい異なった状況に順応するまたは対応させる
- follow, conform to
- 従う, 則る, 準拠, 傚う, 襲踏, 踏襲, 準ずる, 倣う, 随う, 準じる
- behave in accordance or in agreement with; "Follow a pattern"; "Follow my example"
- それに一致して、または調和して振る舞う
- follow, adopt, espouse
- 従う, 追随, 信奉
- choose and follow; as of theories, ideas, policies, strategies or plans; "She followed the feminist movement"; "The candidate espouses Republican ideals"
- 選択して続く
- observe, keep
- 従う, 遵守, 励行, 順奉, 順守, 守る, 循守, 遵奉
- conform one's action or practice to; "keep appointments"; "she never keeps her promises"; "We kept to the original conditions of the contract"
- 行動または習慣を従わせる
- follow, comply, abide by
- 従う, 追従, 随う
- act in accordance with someone's rules, commands, or wishes; "He complied with my instructions"; "You must comply or else!"; "Follow these simple rules"; "abide by the rules"
- 人の支配、命令または要望の見合って行動する
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