英日字典: 問題
11 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- problem
- 問い, 課題, 問, 設問, 悩み, 問題, 命題, 案件, 題, プロブレム, 宿題
- a question raised for consideration or solution; "our homework consisted of ten problems to solve"
- 考慮または解決するために提起される疑問
- difficulty
- 難事, 問題, 障碍, 障害, 困難, 邪魔, 障礙, 厄介事
- a factor causing trouble in achieving a positive result or tending to produce a negative result; "serious difficulties were encountered in obtaining a pure reagent"
- よい結果を出すのにトラブルとなる要因、あるいは悪い結果になってしまう要因
- matter
- 問題
- (used with negation) having consequence; "they were friends and it was no matter who won the games"
- 重要性をもっていること
- issue
- 核心, 論争点, 論点, 問題点, 問題, 争点, 案件
- an important question that is in dispute and must be settled; "the issue could be settled by requiring public education for everyone"; "politicians never discuss the real issues"
- 論争の重要な論点で、解決しなければならないこと
- matter
- 問題
- a problem; "is anything the matter?"
- 問題
- trouble, problem
- 課題, 難儀, 問題, 面倒
- a source of difficulty; "one trouble after another delayed the job"; "what's the problem?"
- 困難のもと
- business
- 問題, 筋合い
- a rightful concern or responsibility; "it's none of your business"; "mind your own business"
- 正当な心配あるいは責任
- matter, subject, issue, topic
- 課題, 問題, 案件
- some situation or event that is thought about; "he kept drifting off the topic"; "he had been thinking about the subject for several years"; "it is a matter for the police"
- 考えられた状況や出来事
- problem, job
- 骨の折れること, 課題, 難題, 問題, 困難, 面倒, プロブレム, 厄介事
- a state of difficulty that needs to be resolved; "she and her husband are having problems"; "it is always a job to contact him"; "urban problems such as traffic congestion and smog"
- 解決する必要のある困難な状況
- bust-up
- 問題
- a serious quarrel (especially one that ends a friendship)
- (友人関係の解消など)重大な喧嘩
- trouble
- 心配, 悩み, 問題, 困難, 面倒, トラブル
- an event causing distress or pain; "what is the trouble?"; "heart trouble"
- 苦悩や痛みを引き起こす出来事
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