英日字典: 報酬
7 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- compensation
- 埋合, 埋合わせ, 補償, 対価, 償い, 埋合せ, 補償金, 代償, 埋め合せ, 償金, 報酬, 謝金, 報償, 弁償金, 弁償, 埋め合わせ, 埋めあわせ, 手当て, 賠償, てん補, 報償金, 報奨, 手当
- something (such as money) given or received as payment or reparation (as for a service or loss or injury)
- 報酬または(サービス、損失、障害などの)保障として与えられるまたは受け取るもの(例えば、金銭)
- reward
- 褒美, 褒奨金, 懸賞金, 褒賞, 報酬, 報奨金, 懸賞, 礼金
- the offer of money for helping to find a criminal or for returning lost property
- 犯罪者を見つけ出すため、または遺失物を取り戻すために金銭を提供すること
- pay, remuneration, earnings, wage, salary
- 俸給, 給料, ペイ, 労賃, 賃金, 賃銭, サラリー, 報酬, 給与, 給金, 月給, 賃銀, 俸祿, 俸禄
- something that remunerates; "wages were paid by check"; "he wasted his pay on drink"; "they saved a quarter of all their earnings"
- 報いるもの
- recompense
- 償い, 謝礼, 報酬, 礼金
- payment or reward (as for service rendered)
- 報酬ないしは謝礼(提供されたサービスなどに対して)
- reward, advantage
- 褒美, 余慶, 善報, 利益, 褒賞, 報労, メリット, 特恵, 代償, 冥利, 報酬, 報い, 恩賞, 特典, 利得, 報答, 酬い, 陽報, 報奨, 応報
- benefit resulting from some event or action; "it turned out to my advantage"; "reaping the rewards of generosity"
- 何らかの出来事か動作から生じる利益
- remuneration
- 報酬
- the act of paying for goods or services or to recompense for losses; "adequate remuneration for his work"
- 商品やサービスの代金を払ったり、損害を賠償する行為
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