英日字典: 利益
8 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- gain
- プラス, 益金, 財利, 利, 利益, 得分, 得利, ゲイン, 利潤, 儲, 利得, プロフィット, 儲け, 益
- the amount by which the revenue of a business exceeds its cost of operating
- 企業の売り上げが運用コストを上回るときの差額
- good
- 利巧, 利益, 利得, 悧巧, 益, ため
- benefit; "for your own good"; "what's the good of worrying?"
- 利益
- sake, interest
- 利益, ため, 目的
- a reason for wanting something done; "for your sake"; "died for the sake of his country"; "in the interest of safety"; "in the common interest"
- 何かをやり遂げたいと思う理由
- behalf
- 利益, 味方, 援助
- for someone's benefit (usually expressed as `in behalf' rather than `on behalf' and usually with a possessive); "in your behalf"; "campaigning in his own behalf"; "spoke a good word in his friend's behalf"
- だれかの便宜や恩恵のために
- payoff, take, return, yield, proceeds, takings, issue
- 取れ高, 売り上げ金, 産出高, 売りあげ, 利益, 売上高, 売上, 上り, 売上げ高, 上がり, 売り上げ高, 売あげ, 売り上げ, 売り上, 利得, 売上げ金, 取り高, 上げ高, 売上金, 売上げ, 取高, 交付, 上がり高, 収益
- the income or profit arising from such transactions as the sale of land or other property; "the average return was about 5%"
- 土地のまたは他の資産の販売のような経済活動から生じている収入または利益
- reward, advantage
- 褒美, 余慶, 善報, 利益, 褒賞, 報労, メリット, 特恵, 代償, 冥利, 報酬, 報い, 恩賞, 特典, 利得, 報答, 酬い, 陽報, 報奨, 応報
- benefit resulting from some event or action; "it turned out to my advantage"; "reaping the rewards of generosity"
- 何らかの出来事か動作から生じる利益
- profit, net profit, lucre, earnings, net income, net, profits
- 所得, プラス, 益金, 利, 純利益, 利益, 得分, 純利, 得利, 利潤, 純収益, 儲, 利得, プロフィット, 純益, 儲け, 利沢, 収益
- the excess of revenues over outlays in a given period of time (including depreciation and other non-cash expenses)
- ある一定の期間内で出費を超える収益の超過部分(減価償却と他の非現金出費を含む)
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