英日字典: 多数
6 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- plenitude, plenteousness, plentifulness, plentitude, plenty
- 多量, 許多, あまた, 数多, いっぱい, 万斛, 豊富さ, 一杯, 多く, 多数
- a full supply; "there was plenty of food for everyone"
- 十分な供給量
- large number, plurality, multitude, battalion, pack
- 巨多, 許多, 百千, 八百, あまた, 数多, 八十万, 巨万, 衆多, 多数
- a large indefinite number; "a battalion of ants"; "a multitude of TV antennas"; "a plurality of religions"
- 大きな不明確な数
- majority, bulk
- 大抵, 多数派, 殆んど, 大部分, 過半, 台目, 大概, 大部, 大方, 殆, 主流, 過半数, 殆ど, 大多数, 多党, 大半, 多数
- the property resulting from being or relating to the greater in number of two parts; the main part; "the majority of his customers prefer it"; "the bulk of the work is finished"
- 2より大きい部分によって生じる、あるいは、に関連した特性
- rafts, dozens, tons, slews, scores, lashings, heaps, oodles, piles, gobs, lots, stacks, loads, scads, wads
- 多量, 数十, 多く, 多数
- a large number or amount; "made lots of new friends"; "she amassed stacks of newspapers"
- かなりの数または量
- volume, mass, bulk
- 多数
- the property of something that is great in magnitude; "it is cheaper to buy it in bulk"; "he received a mass of correspondence"; "the volume of exports"
- 強度において強い物の特性
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