英日字典: 一杯
13 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- plenitude, plenteousness, plentifulness, plentitude, plenty
- 多量, 許多, あまた, 数多, いっぱい, 万斛, 豊富さ, 一杯, 多く, 多数
- a full supply; "there was plenty of food for everyone"
- 十分な供給量
- drink
- 1杯の飲み物, 一杯, 1杯
- a single serving of a beverage; "I asked for a hot drink"; "likes a drink before dinner"
- 1人前の飲み物
- uttermost, maximum, level best, utmost
- 最高限, 最大値, 最大, 極度, 最大限, 最大限度, 最高限度, マクシマム, 一杯, 上限, 最高, マキシマム
- the greatest possible degree; "he tried his utmost"
- 最も大きな可能性がある程度
- much
- 多量, 多, 許多, 多大, 多分, 数多, いっぱい, 一杯
- a great amount or extent; "they did much for humanity"
- たくさんの量や程度
- filled
- 一杯
- (of time) taken up; "well-filled hours"
- (時間について)始められる
- filled
- 満杯, 一杯
- (usually followed by `with' or used as a combining form) generously supplied with; "theirs was a house filled with laughter"; "a large hall filled with rows of desks"; "fog-filled air"
- を十分に供給された
- full
- 盛沢山, 充実した, 満タン, ぱんぱん, 満々たる, フル, もり沢山, 一杯, 盛りだくさん
- containing as much or as many as is possible or normal; "a full glass"; "a sky full of stars"; "a full life"; "the auditorium was full to overflowing"
- 同じくらい多くの物を含むということは可能または普通のことである
- crowded
- 人勝ち, 稠密, 人勝, 一杯, 大忙し
- overfilled or compacted or concentrated; "a crowded theater"; "a crowded program"; "crowded trains"; "a young mother's crowded days"
- いっぱいにされるか、ぎっしり詰まるか、集中される
- brimming, brimful, brimfull
- 満タン, 満杯, 一杯
- filled to capacity; "a brimful cup"; "I am brimful of chowder"; "a child brimming over with curiosity"; "eyes brimming with tears"
- 容量まで一杯であるさま
- total, full
- フル, 一杯, 完全
- complete in extent or degree and in every particular; "a full game"; "a total eclipse"; "a total disaster"
- 程度、度合、とそれぞれの面において完成した
- filled
- 一杯
- of purchase orders that have been filled
- ぎっしりの購入注文の
- much, often, a great deal
- 屡屡, 大きに, 再再, 往往, 屡々, いくらも, 仰山, うんと, 間間, たくさん, 再三, 度度, 間々, 良く, ドンと, どんと, ぎょうさん, 頻く頻く, 克く, 頻って, 幾らも, 大いに, 少からず, 繁繁, 度々, いっぱい, 頻りと, 沢山, 繁々, たびたび, 頻りに, 一杯, しこたま, 善く, 重ね重ね, よく, ちょこちょこ, たんと, ちょいちょい, 多く, ちょくちょく, 好く, 能く, しきりと, しきりに, しばしば
- frequently or in great quantities; "I don't drink much"; "I don't travel much"
- 頻繁、あるいはかなりの量
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