英日字典: 寛大
17 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- lenience, leniency
- 容赦, 寛大
- lightening a penalty or excusing from a chore by judges or parents or teachers
- 判事、両親または先生によって、雑用することから逃れるまたは罰を軽減する
- permissiveness, tolerance
- 包容力, 了簡, 我慢, 寛大, 雅量, 公差, 寛容, 了見, 料簡, トレランス
- a disposition to allow freedom of choice and behavior
- 選択と行動の自由を許す気質
- good-hearted, sympathetic, openhearted, benevolent, kindly, charitable, large-hearted
- 情け深い, 情けぶかい, 温か, 親身, 暖かい, 良い, 寛大, 優渥, 暖か, 温かい, 情ぶかい, 情深い, 寛容, 慈悲深い, 懇切
- showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding and generosity; "was charitable in his opinions of others"; "kindly criticism"; "a kindly act"; "sympathetic words"; "a large-hearted mentor"
- 共感、理解、および寛大さで表す、または共感、理解、および寛大さに動機づけられた
- generous
- 鷹揚, でかい, 大把, おっきい, 溶々たる, 惜しみ無い, 大らか, 溶溶たる, ラフ, 大まか, 寛い, 大様, 広量, おおまか, 寛大, 大きい, 磊落, 豊か, 気が大きい, でっかい, 広い, 太っ腹, 寛容, 太腹, おおらか
- not petty in character and mind; "unusually generous in his judgment of people"
- 性質と心が小さくない
- magnanimous, greathearted
- 寛大
- noble and generous in spirit; "a greathearted general"; "a magnanimous conqueror"
- 精神が高貴で寛大な
- kind, tolerant
- 寛大, 寛容
- tolerant and forgiving under provocation; "our neighbor was very kind about the window our son broke"
- 挑発に対し、懐が深く寛容なさま
- soft, indulgent, lenient
- 緩い, 寛仁, 緩か, 寛大, 寛闊, 甘い, 手緩い, 手ぬるい, 緩やか, 寛容
- tolerant or lenient; "indulgent parents risk spoiling their children"; "too soft on the children"; "they are soft on crime"
- 許容性があり、寛大な
- big, magnanimous, large
- 寛大, 大きい, 大き, 寛容
- generous and understanding and tolerant; "a heart big enough to hold no grudges"; "that's very big of you to be so forgiving"; "a large and generous spirit"; "a large heart"; "magnanimous toward his enemies"
- 気前がよくて、理解があって、寛容な
- lenient
- 寛大, 甘い
- not strict; "an easy teacher"; "easy standards"; "lenient rules"; "an easy penalty"
- 厳しくない
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