英日字典: 広い
6 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- wide, broad
- 幅広, 博い, 弘い, 幅広い, 幅ひろい, 広い, ワイド
- having great (or a certain) extent from one side to the other; "wide roads"; "a wide necktie"; "wide margins"; "three feet wide"; "a river two miles broad"; "broad shoulders"; "a broad river"
- 左右に大きな(あるいは、特定の)範囲を持つさま
- generous
- 鷹揚, でかい, 大把, おっきい, 溶々たる, 惜しみ無い, 大らか, 溶溶たる, ラフ, 大まか, 寛い, 大様, 広量, おおまか, 寛大, 大きい, 磊落, 豊か, 気が大きい, でっかい, 広い, 太っ腹, 寛容, 太腹, おおらか
- not petty in character and mind; "unusually generous in his judgment of people"
- 性質と心が小さくない
- extensive, extended
- 宏闊, でかい, 広広とした, 浩瀚, 弘大, 手広い, 手びろい, 寥廓たる, 宏大, 広範囲, 広汎, 浩浩たる, 広闊, 寥郭たる, 浩蕩たる, 大規模, 広々とした, 浩大, 幅広い, 広大, 曠然たる, でっかい, 広範, 広い, 闊大, 浩々たる, ワイド
- large in spatial extent or range or scope or quantity; "an extensive Roman settlement in northwest England"; "extended farm lands"; "surgeons with extended experience"; "they suffered extensive damage"
- 空間範囲、範囲、領域または量で大きい
- spacious, wide, broad
- 宏闊, 快闊, 広漠たる, 手広い, 広遠, 空闊, 空豁, 快豁, 浩浩たる, 弘遠, 広闊, 弘い, 浩渺たる, 広い, 広やか, 蕩然たる, 浩々たる, ワイド
- very large in expanse or scope; "a broad lawn"; "the wide plains"; "a spacious view"; "spacious skies"
- 広がりか規模で非常に大きい
- spacious, roomy
- 広広とした, 手広い, 広々とした, 弘い, 広い, 広やか
- (of buildings and rooms) having ample space; "a roomy but sparsely furnished apartment"; "a spacious ballroom"
- (建物や部屋について)十分な空間のある
- big, large
- でかい, おっきい, 大, 偉い, 大きい, 大き, 太い, でっかい, 広い
- above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent; "a large city"; "set out for the big city"; "a large sum"; "a big (or large) barn"; "a large family"; "big businesses"; "a big expenditure"; "a large number of newspapers"; "a big group of scientists"; "large areas of the world"
- サイズ、数、量、大きさまたは範囲において平均以上の
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